April 03, 2010

Felt Flowers

I like rambling around book shops especially in craft sections. They offer such a good variety of books in all sorts of crafts which are very handy for craft lovers. Even if you are not interested in any craft still you can't just pass these shelves without stopping by. Bright covers appeal to you!

I love crocheting, knitting, enjoy beading and I'm always eager to try something new. First I've seen the books on feltmaking I had a feeling this craft was so mysterious - how was it possible to make such beautiful pieces of clothing, jewelry and accessories just using sheep's wool? Since then I've read a lot about this wonderful art. It's still mysterious for me but at least I tried to make some woolie things myself. Well, to make a ball from wool tops is quite fun and it has a therapeutic effect on your body when you are rolling the ball between your palms. But lately I've decided (at last!) to have a go and make a flower. So I made a flower, even three! Here they are. Well, it's just my first attempt so please don't be too harsh.


GalaFilc said...

fancy felted flower! I like it

Arctida said...

Beautiful flowers! Great job!

SocksAndMittens said...

I think your first attempt turned out lovely, Irene. Beautiful flowers! Way to go!

daimblond said...

wow! these are beautiful!

jezek said...

lovely flowers! very sweet and stylish!

Sasha Tsyupka said...

Absolutely adorable spring flowers! Love them all!
You remind me my Mom - during her life she tried a lot of crafts - and succeed in all! :)
Good start, Irina! Wish you you luck!

Nia Person said...

Love colors! So fresh!

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