September 18, 2012

Kumihimo braiding. New hobby

Recently I have come across kumihimo braiding - art of making cords by interlacing threads, yarns, cords, ribbons etc. I have an enormous stock of threads and yarns which I normally use for knitting and crocheting but they also can be used for kumihimo braiding. I would say the more varieŠ² the threads and yarns you use, the more unusual cord you will get.
A lot of kumihimo patterns are available in the internet. I found some of them very pretty and cute.

These bracelets feature spiral and floral patterns in bright summer colours and they are exactly what children want. Believe me, I have 11 children around me, all neighbours though!


The same spiral pattern in subtle colours and bracelets finished with delicate closures will be more suitable for adults.




Like the idea of a magnet closure - it's quick and easy!




My favourite pattern so far is so called swirl pattern. Tutorial is made and kindly shared by beamunz2009 on youtube My bracelets braided according to this pattern and finished with beads and buttons.



Gifts for friends and their children


If you are not a bracelet person you still can find other ways to use kumihimo braids. I have used it to make a handle for a mobile phone crochet bag and a cord for a floral pendant.



How about shoelaces? :-)
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